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yoshizen nomadic fashion design daca dreamer story

Embrace Your Journey

On December 31, I made the tough decision to leave my family and friends behind in the U.S for the next 10 years, starting my new life chapter as a nomadic fashion designer. It was difficult to have serious conversations at music events where I saw most of my friends, so most people I knew were unaware of my American immigration problems, and that I would be unable to re-enter the United States once I boarded my flight to Tulum, Mexico. 

Born in Kingston, Jamaica, I was brought to the U.S at 7 years old on a tourist visa, and didn’t receive legal status until President Obama issued the executive order DACA in 2012 after the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) failed to pass in Congress. Young people impacted by DACA and the DREAM act are referred to as DREAMers. If it had passed, the DREAM act would have provided a path to citizenship for immigrant children who were brought to America through no fault of their own.  DACA was instead a temporary solution, renewable by paying a $495 fee every two years.

Under DACA, I could legally work and start a business in the U.S, but could never enjoy the privilege of traveling for leisure.  Unless I provided documentation that my overseas trip was necessary for work or school, I would not be allowed back into America for 10 years after traveling abroad. I fortunately had the experience to travel from 2016-2017 when I paid for language school in France, but since then was unable to leave America since Trump froze all travel for DACA recipients after he was elected.

Witnessing the breathtaking natural beauty of Thailand, France, and Switzerland had ignited my wanderlust and made me impatient for more adventures abroad. In the last 10 years, I had experienced so much personal growth and found my artistic calling thanks to Burning Man and the Burner community in NYC.  Rather than remain trapped in NYC, I desired to experience as much of the world as I could and embrace the journey that awaited me, with my partner Gilles Bonugli Kali by my side.

Over the next few years, Gilles and I  plan to visit festivals and beautiful landscapes around the world, spreading Burner culture and good vibes. With our artistic project called Make Your Life An Art Piece, we aim to create transformative couture and content that will hopefully inspire others to explore the unknown and lead lives filled with passion, purpose, and creativity.  

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