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I FEEL: Winter Forest

It’s always such a blast dressing up and getting ready for I FEEL parties. Produced by Roee and Yael Carmel, I FEEL is a series of monthly costume parties in New York City. Each month has a different costume theme. The parties are a great introduction to Burner culture for many people new to the scene. This month’s theme was “Winter Forest.”

With a party every month for the last 2 years, it’s a wonder that there are any themes left. Granted, some of them do repeat- Winter Forest was basically this year’s “Diamond’s and Ice” ….. But that makes costuming even easier! Very few people actually make or buy an entirely new outift for each party. Instead it’s common to mix and match costumes and cool acessories from previous events. #howtopartyonabudget

The I FEEL crew def deserves props for their decor. Every party has a new setup with decorations consistent with the theme. Led by LV Fre, the decor team cuts and shapes unique models from styrofoam pieces that serve as the backdrop for visual projections during the party. And there’s always a comfy cuddle puddle to relax in when you’re tired from dancing. Cuddle puddles should be mandatory at any dance event….

Given that parties by Burning Man theme camps happen infrequently, I FEEL provides a great space for those who wish to get in touch with their creative side and dance their asses off in a safe space. By putting so much effort into their outfits, Feelers add to the party experience. It’s definitely more rewarding dancing surrounded by hundreds of people dressed in sequins and feathers and LEDs than going to a club where everyone’s wearing the same thing. Costumes also serve as a great way to make new friends at events since if you’re wearing something awesome, you’re bound to get approached and complimented on your outfit.
Most attendees frequent I FEEL parties regularly so after going to several events, you see the same people and it really begins to feel like a community.

All photos by Mark Salner

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