YoshiZen is a conscious fashion and lifestyle brand that celebrates freedom and empowerment through visually stunning transformative couture. Designed for both men and women, our quality clothing uses fashion as a medium to encourage you to reach your full potential, and make your life an art piece. The brand’s fantastical creations are inspired by the extraordinary world of transformative festivals and set a new tone for festival fashion: bringing wearable art to dancefloors around the world. Designed for the wanderer who seeks adventure and puts their soul into everything they do, each handcrafted garment is part of a limited edition serie. More than just a clothing brand, we believe that businesses should also have a positive impact on our world and inspire humanity to lead lives filled with passion, purpose, and creativity. Our Zen lifestyle blog features articles about extraordinary travel destinations, festivals, fashion, and art that inspire positive transformation.


Cape Collaboration
with artist
Olga Klimova


Blog Serie
By Yoshi

"Zen is a path to fully awaken to your original nature, to make you wonder and to answer that wondering with the deepest expression of your true self "

about YoshiZen
Yoshi Zen
Transformative Blog Series
Find your tribe: Reviews of amazing destinations around the world, transformative festivals, and cutting edge festival fashion
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